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New Bauhaus Stories webinar series

The NEBULA project is organising a series of peer learning activities to share experiences and insights about the New European Bauhaus. Episode 1. discusses Co-creation of regeneration schemes.

torstai 14.3.2024

11:30 - 13:00

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Episode 1. Co-creation of regeneration schemes

The NEBULA project is organising a series of peer learning activities to share experiences and insights about the New European Bauhaus. 

This Webinar aims to discuss how two ongoing urban regeneration schemes are co-designed with citizens and various stakeholders from the construction value chain. Two demonstration sites will present their respective approaches:

Pedersgata, Stavanger, Norway
The Pedersgata area is a mature urban neighbourhood in the city centre of Stavanger, featuring a mix of traditional wooden houses, high-rise buildings, restaurants and shops. As a first phase, the NEB-STAR project is testing a series of co-design tools to involve local residents and professional stakeholders. In particular, the temporary meeting places and a public-private partnership will be presented.

Quay district in Bruges, Belgium
This district, today dominated by the legacy of industry, is planned to transform into a neighbourhood leaving room for retail sale, food vendors and local artisans. In this perspective, the Re-Value project is adapting and testing the innovation camp methodology, an immersive learning experience for students in team setting, to explore new solutions for a climate neutral district in co-creation with residents, companies and other organisations.

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