EU:n taksonomian ilmastoon liittyviä teknisiä arviointikriteerejä ollaan arvioimassa uudelleen, ja EU:n kestävän rahoituksen yhteistyöfoorumi, (the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance) on pyytänyt palautetta alustaviin ehdotuksiinsa.
WorldGBC on yhteistyössä WorldGBC:n kestävän rahoituksen työryhmän sekä Eurooppa-verkoston, (Europe Regional Network ERN) kanssa laatinut julkaisun ’Integrating life cycle global warming potential into the EU Taxonomy’. Suositukset koskevat tiedonkeruun, valmiuksien kehittämisen, käytettävyyden ja vaatimustenmukaisuuden parantamista.
Tutustu koko Sustainable Finance -julkaisujen sarjaan.
WorldGBC: How can we tell what’s a “green” investment?
The EU Taxonomy is an important tool to help validate activities that represent an ambitious standard of sustainability. But, in the building and construction sector, it is in danger of lagging behind.
See the latest policy briefing, developed with World Green Building Council, for recommendations.
The EU Taxonomy climate related criteria are up for review and the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance is consulting on its preliminary recommendations. The policy briefing sets out recommendations on how to better integrate life cycle global warming potential (GWP) (known as whole life carbon) requirements for new buildings in line with the 2024 revision to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
The revised EPBD mandates Member States to develop life cycle GWP targets and limits by 2027. The taxonomy needs to be swiftly updated to reflect these changes so that it can differentiate truly green investments from those that simply follow the legislated performance standards for all buildings.
In the latest policy briefing, we:
- Look closely at the EPBD and the EU Taxonomy – and their respective life cycle GWP requirements.
- Provide recommendations for the European Commission.
These recommendations target improvements in data collection, capacity building, usability and compliance. They were created in collaboration with WorldGBC’s Sustainable Finance Taskforce and the Europe Regional Network Policy Taskforce featuring Green Building Councils and partners from across Europe.
Updating the EU Taxonomy will help create new markets, capacities, databases and leadership ahead of the implementation of the EPBD and support the achievement of Europe’s ambitious climate goals.