Nordic Sustainable Infrastructure Webinar

Join this free of charge cross Nordic infrastructure webinar on World Green Building Week.

keskiviikko 13.9.2023

13:00 - 15:00

Microsoft Teams

Free of charge

Register here for this Microsoft Teams Webinar

Join our webinar on infrastructure in the Nordic countries!

Have you wondered what other Nordic countries are promoting in infrastructure right now? Join this free of charge cross Nordic infrastructure webinar on Wednesday 13.9.2023 at 13:00 UTC+3, Finland; 12:00 UTC+2, Sweden and Norway and 10:00 UTC+0, Iceland.

This webinar is arranged together by Green Building Councils from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland as part of the global World Green Building Week.

Current state of sustainability in infrastructure from each country

  • From Finland Riina Känkänen, Chair of FIGBC Infrastructure Committee and Head of Sustainability, Ramboll Finland
  • From Sweden Sofie Absér, Senior Green Transformation Strategist, Sweco
  • From Iceland Alexandra Kjeld, Vice-chair of Green Building Council Iceland, EFLA
  • From Norway Ketil Søyland, project director sustainability, Norconsult

Followed by interesting project case presentations

  • “Crown Bridges – How to make sustainability part of the project” by Minna Tukiainen, City of Helsinki, from Finland.
  • “Minimizing life cycle emissions from power stations” by Ívar Kristinn Jasonarson, Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland, from Iceland.
  • ”Hammarängen” with speaker David Nordberg and Martin Lundholm, Skanska, from Sweden.

#WGBW23 #BuildingToCOP28

Join us on World Green Building Week 2023!

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