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Combient Pure: Circularity Development Program’s Closing Event Towards Circularity – Faster, Together

Technical building products present one of the largest emission sources in buildings, after energy use and main construction materials. ASSA ABLOY, KONE, Swegon and Vasakronan have been breaking new ground…

keskiviikko 14.2.2024

14:00 - 15:30

See agenda and register

Technical building products present one of the largest emission sources in buildings, after energy use and main construction materials. ASSA ABLOY, KONE, Swegon and Vasakronan have been breaking new ground as they set out for Combient Pure’s year-long program to further develop this product category’s circularity.

The initiative for the program came from Vasakronan. – We want to become carbon neutral along our whole value chain, as well as purchase only reused, recycled or renewable products and materials by 2030. To reach these goals, we work together with our suppliers to provide new types of circular products and services, says Anna Denell, Sustainability Director at Vasakronan.

During the program the participants have covered six main themes in circularity: understanding the customer, impact measurement, dismantling and reverse logistics, product life extension, circular procurement and aligning internal processes. The program has accelerated developments in circularity among the participating companies with practical tools and methods, peer-to-peer learning and discussions with customers and other actors within and from outside the value chain.

In the closing event, you will be inspired by the participating companies on how they have developed their circularity during the program, as well as how Vasakronan as a property owner sees circularity in the building sector.

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